
Showing posts from January, 2012
I realized this weekend while talking to Marilyn that I have some co dependant traits.  I've never noticed them before now.  But now that I look back over my life I see that I've had a measure of co-dependancy inflicting my life for most of my life.  Co dependency was brought up in Marilyn and my  conversation but it didn't hit me until I was thinking about it today while I was taking a nap this morning.  I layed there after I woke up and continued thinking about my friendship with Marilyn.  I have been dependant on her from almost the very first day she came into my home.  It's eaten me up off and on over the last year and a half.  I have struggled with obcessive thoughts for our friendship and our time together to find time to talk for the last year and a half.  It was very easy to start depending on our conversations from the second day she was in my home and we started to talk and heaven and earth tend to combine when we talk.  We la...