Our Small, Little Family Memories Begin....

Eathyn and Ryan love going to the barber shop. The barber has lots of cool toys to play with and they just think getting there hair cut is pretty cool. At one point Ryan was laying his head back and falling a sleep. He was perfectly content, it was so cute. I wish I'd gotten a picture of that. Eathyn is 5 and Ryan's 3. They keep their dad and me very, very busy! One particular day I was too lazy to make lunch. Eathyn and Ryan had a really healthy snack, which was really a small meal an hour earlier, so I didn't want to put a whole lot of effort into lunch, just in case they didn't end up eating it. I cut up an orange and handed them each a slice of bread and said, "You guys wanna pretend this is sacrament bread?" They were so excited with that idea! For the next hour and a half they played Mori and Bishop. They both absolutely love Mori Jensen, a lady in our ward. Towards the end of an hour Eath...