Our Small, Little Family Memories Begin....
Eathyn and Ryan love going to the barber shop. The barber has lots of cool toys to play with and they just think getting there hair cut is pretty cool. At one point Ryan was laying his head back and falling a sleep. He was perfectly content, it was so cute. I wish I'd gotten a picture of that. Eathyn is 5 and Ryan's 3. They keep their dad and me very, very busy!
Santa was very kind to our three youngest boys this year. He brought them this boat. Austins been telling Eathyn and Ryan he would take them out on the lake, and that is exactly what he did. Austin is so good to these boys! How many 16 year olds do you know that would rather spend the day on the lake with his little brothers than with any one else? We have been so blessed with 4 amazing teen age children that would rather be with each other than anyone else. What a peaceful, happy life we have all had together. I miss our three children who are no longer at home, desperately! I hope and pray for the peace that will surely come, through God's plan, for this sweet family of ours.
Brett is such a good dad! He and Austin work for hours and hours together on this old boat. They love to tinker with it. Brett says, "It's not about the boat, It's about Austin." He has his priorities straight. He works hard to provide for our family, but always finds time for our children."