Another Little Angel from Heaven Joins our Family

Dear Family and Friends, This story all began when Austin attended EFY in San Antonio, Texas in July of this year. He came home from a week of feeling the spirit stronger than he ever had in his life. He said, "Mom and Dad I'm not going back to Temple High School! I've always hated the environment and I'm not going back!" We knew he was serious in light of the fact he was giving up his varsity football position at a 5A high school. He was not going to be the starting quarter back but he was on the varsity team. With my help and support, he went over to the junior college here in town, passed the entrance exam and signed up for college. When his dad got home from work that night Brett said, "How would you feel about going to Academy High School instead". Austin liked that idea immediately. He was having a hard time imagining never touching a football again. Brett and I had never uprooted our family for our children's lack of interest in T...