Other Memories Since we Moved to Academy

Eathyn and Ryan at the Temple Fire Department

 Eathyn and Ryan love general conference.  I decided years ago to buy all the kids favorite treats and candy for conference.  We make it a huge celebration.  It's the most important days of the year.  When the Prophet speaks I want them well entertained and quiet so they can hear his voice and all that's being taught.  The guidance we receive during those sessions of conference make my life as a mother easier.  I am filled with so much  hope, peace and guidance in what to say and do while raising our beautiful family.  It's all so simple, just listen to the prophets voice and do as he says.  It truly takes the guess work out of parenting.

After Brandon had been out on his mission for 10 months, an elderly sister missionary came up to him and said, "Elder Pritchard, you need to get new shoes.  He sent the shoes home to me and just looking at them broke my heart.  Look at the shoes he was walking around in while he was serving the Lord. I am so thankful that elderly woman took care of him for me.  These are the second soles he had on these shoes the first 10 months of his mission

Brett and Austin at the neurologists and trying to decide which one of them was taller.  Austin has finally caught up with his dad at 16 years old.  They are the exact same height. I think there's a good chance he will actually pass Brett up by the time he gets home from his mission.

After I left the neurologist that day, I flew to Pennsylvania for a week.  I needed to get my mind off work.  It had been an extremely stressful couple of months.  I came home so relaxed!  Little did I know I was being prepared for such a big change in our lives. 

Marilyn and her grand daughter Ava 
Watching Marilyn with her grandkids has made it easier for me to imagine being a grandma myself in not so many years from now.  She's so young at heart, there are many many times I don't even notice the 20 year difference between her and I.  She's such a cute lady!

 Fall foliage in Pennsylvania

This is cute little Elsie Law.  She is one of Eathyn's very favorite people in the world! They played for hours in our back yard and then it took us hours to clean up the mess they had made.  I was thinking how lucky he was that he's my fifth child and not my first, because I would of NEVER let Brandon make that type of mess.  He, Elsie and Ryan had so much fun that day!!


I Have Seriously Gained Weight this Year. It took me a while to get use to it, but now I kinda like filling in my clothes a little more

We were at church the day I took this picture of Brett and I.  He was looking particularly yummy that day.  I wanted to remember that moment. 

I am so thankful he agreed to marry me and all my little idiosyncrasies.  He has been so loving and patient with me over the years.  I feel so blessed to have him in my life.  He is truly the best husband and father a woman could ever ask for. He has spoiled me with 8 beautiful children and has been 1000% supportive over the years.  I love him so much! 

I do wish we had more time alone, there's absolutely nothing on this earth I enjoy more than running away with him.  We have so much fun together! We are always dreaming of the day we will be able to sleep in with out little munchkins asking what's for breakfast at 5 am or knocking at our bedroom door the moment they don't hear a sound behind the door.  But, we some how continue to keep having more children and enjoy these years together too.  One of these days our children will all be grown and gone and it will just be him and me.

This was the first selfie I have ever taken of my self.  I was in Pennsylvania and was trying to convince Brett it was worth all the effort he was putting in to care for our children while I was gone. Then I noticed that wrinkle between my eyes and realized how old I am.  Where are the years going?

The play ground at Eathyn's new school, that we get to walk to and play at in the evenings and on the weekends

Brett and Austin getting ready for hunting season. Of course they are missing Brandon.  I wish my children didn't have to grow up and move away.  It's just not the same with out them all together.   

Camping at Cedar Ridge at Belton Lake 

A lot of the Pritchard cousins

Pritchard and Law kids, so cute! What a joy they all are.  I could adopt those beautiful law children. In fact, I could adopt most of my kids friends over the years.  


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