I believe it was the weekend after the election Brett and I decided to take the kids camping.  We roasted!! It was so hot!!! The younger kids had fun and the older ones and Brett and and I were so hot! We were going to stay two nights but we only made it one.  Eathyn and Ryan love water! They were in heaven with water all around them.

Rachel has a way of finding beauty in life. She was loving the opportunity to capture the unique flowers that were around the lake.

 Of course she had to try them on and show off her natural beauty. She's such a beautiful young lady...

 Brandon is my only child that's been in a cast.  I've lost track of how many broken bones he's had.  He's so skinny, when something hits one of his limbs he has nothing to protect him.  He's had just as many bruised bones that are equally painful for him.  He's 17 and we are so happy he still loves being with his family.  He rarely misses anything we do together.  He's such a good kid! His brothers and sisters love his attention so much.  He's so good to them.

 Another flower Rachel thought was so beautiful! It really is kinda cool! Her and I were shocked at the beautiful plants our Father in Heaven managed to put around that lake.  The camera doesn't even come close to capturing their beauty.
                               There's absolutely nothing I love in life as much as Brett and my kids!!

                                                                    Isn't she beautiful!!

Austin was out fishing the entire time we were at the lake.  Unfortunately the camera missed taking a picture of him.

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