Today-May 26, 2013

Today, Rachel went into the young women's and Brandon moved away for the first time.  He walked into the house from general priesthood meeting and asked his dad for a blessing.  Of course, I cried big crocodile tears all the way through.

He was just born yesterday, how is my time with him already over? I am going to miss having him in our home so much! He is such a great kid and so pleasant to have around.  What a great kid for sure!

Of course he and Austin had to go back to back like they've been doing the last year to see if Austin has caught up with his height.  Austin has finally caught up to him, he was so excited!! Austin's been hoping to catch up with his big brother.

Of course, Rebekah has been wining all night that she's going to die soon. She said,  "If Brandon's moving out, that means my childhood is almost over too, that means I'm going to die soon." She's so funny, she's having all sorts of drama."  Everyone is so sad! Life is going to be so different with out him around.

Rachel has been ready to go to mutual for a year now.  She was so excited to finally be leaving primary.  Seven months ago she planned her birthday party.  She has literally been dreaming about this party.  She wanted to stay in a hotel with her best friend and her sister, Marilyn Stoner and I, and go shopping all day and then be in the temple on her birthday doing baptisms.  That's exactly what we did.  We all had a great time.  All though Rebekah was pretty bored. Non of her friends could go with her :(   Rachel and Ellie had so much fun together.  They are little bosom buddies.

On Friday night I threw a little birthday pizza party at the pool for her.  Her and Ellie got into a huge cake fight! huge! It was all over that pool patio, furniture, windows and walls.  It really was funny!

While her and Ellie were cleaning up every drop of it, Rachel said, "Mom, why didn't you make us stop?" I said, "sweetie, you had your agency, I figured this was a good time to let you suffer the consequences." Mare, me and Rebekah were just sitting there laughing our heads off.  It was a terrific, hilarious mess!!

Mare and I stayed up late talking as usual until we drifted off to sleep, we slept late into the morning.  It was so awesome!!! We crawled out of bed at 10:45am.  I guess we were awake by 9:30am and finally forced ourselves to quit talking and get dressed for the day.

Marilyn's truly an angel in my life.  I love her so much! It was great having her with me all weekend. I miss her living close by.  She feels like she has taken half my heart with her to Pennsylvania. I told her this week, I want to live in Pennsylvania in the eternities, right next door to her.  I told her I'm putting in my order now.

After we left the hotel we went straight to the Dallas Temple where we all did baptisms together.  It was a really sweet experience to all be in the baptistery, with Rachel on her 12th birthday.  I"m sure it was very special for her, because she had every woman and girl she cares about right there in the temple with her.

 I've been watching the whole Anne of Green Gables series with Rebekah and Rachel all weekend.  I just realized last night that Marilyn Stoner is my very first bosom buddy I have ever had in my forty years of my life.  I love that woman so much, and I absolutely adore that movie.

Anne and Diana are kindred spirits.  Before these last couple years of my life, I would never have been able to relate to that movie.  Oh how I wish I'd known Marilyn as a little girl.... For more reasons than one.  I wish the Lord had allowed us to be kindred spirits all those years ago, most especially when Marilyn was a little girl.  She needed a friend as true as me to look out for her well being.  I would of put a stop to so much of the pain she was put through at home.  I hate that I was not able to protect her.  I hate it so much!!!

It's funny because Anne and Diana love each other so much, they hug and kiss each other on the cheek all the way through that movie.  I've learned that emotion comes from the deepest crevices of the heart.  I can't part from Marilyn with out hugging that sweet woman and kissing her on the cheek.

It's a kindred spirit thing that you can only understand if you've known one yourself.  I also love it, because I can relate so well with the love Marilla and Mathew had for little orphan Annie, I wish so much that I had the opportunity to help Javonte like they did for Anne.  Those little orphans are so sweet and so alone.  My heart truly goes out to them.  Of course I love how refined and emotional Annie is.  I feel like we must not waste even a moment of our lives, by letting the blessings of our Father in Heaven pass us by unnoticed.

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