Answers to my prayers

Yesterday, I realized I was feeling every bit as good as I did when I was 29 years old.  I sense I have finally made it through the most difficult phase of my life.  When I turned 30 I had to dramatically slowed down.  I had absolutely no energy!

I am now 40 years old.  The last 10 years have been a growing experience I wouldn't trade for any amount of money.  The years have refined me and have proven that I am strong enough to handle much more than I ever thought possible.  

There's no reason for me to repeat what I have been through the last ten years, much of my experience is already on this blog.  One day, not too long ago, I was at my wits end.  I was so tired of being sick all the time.  I decided it was time to take my concerns to the Lord.  

I received a blessing 10 years ago that said my health problems would make me a better mother. I was so angry, why didn't it tell me I would get better? After a couple years I looked back and sure enough being sick had made me a better mother. 

I had less energy to do anything that wasn't important. I only had energy to listen toy children and to read lots of stories and to sit at their side more often because those things didn't take a whole lot of energy. 

After this ten year struggle I got on my knees one day and asked The Lord if he could please show me how to get better. Within the week I had an impression to get my blood sugars tested. I was hypoglycemic. Then I came across a dr. who strongly encouraged me to get my testosterone levels checked. Testosterone should be between 80-120. Mine was 24. I finally figured out after ten years why I was so tired all the time. Heavenly Father had finally answered my prayers.

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