Eathyn Has the Croup

At one a.m. Eathyn started crouping in his crib.  It was bad!  Every single time he breathed out he would croup really bad.  I took him into the bathroom and started the hot water.  The steam subsided the severity of his cough but he was still sounding bad.  I put him in bed with Brett and I when he started to panic in his crib because of the cough.  While I was in there I gave him some ice water and that immediately started to break up the cough.  Interesting.... is croup that simple, all it needs is some nice cold ice water???? I was glad to come across a remedy that was so simple.  While I was laying there I started thinking about the events of the evening before and told Brett about something really funny that had happened.  Every morning when Mariela's nurse Marilyn walks through the door Eathyn use to ask for candy.  After a couple days of this I thought, "is he too young to learn to say good morning instead of, 'can I have some candy?' " I taught him how to say good morning and told him not to say candy or I'd put him in time out.  That morning Marilyn walked through the door and he said, "good morning mare" and then whispered, "candy" I put him in time out.  That was on a Friday morning.   I thought it would be interesting  to see if he would remember clear until Monday morning that he had to go into time out if he said candy.  Monday morning came and he said, "good morning Mare."  But he didn't ask for candy.  I was so impressed.  He's only 2 1/2.  So every morning he says, "good morning mare."  and then she asks him if he would like some candy.  Well, yesterday she came in the morning as usual and then again last night so we could all go watch Brandon and Rebekah in the spring choir concert at the high school.  She walked in at 5pm and he said, "good morning Mare!"  It was so funny!!! I was telling Brett about this and we were dying laughing. Eathyn is so stinkin cute.  Then, I decided to turn the computer on to find Eathyn some tractors until he got a little more comfortable.  We were looking at John Deer's and he was so excited.  He loves tractors and he loves trailers even more.  He said, daddy buy one after his nap?" Brett was now sleeping next to us.  It was so cute!!! The more ice water he drank the better he started to feel.  His cough started to break up and started being more productive.  Then he said, "my tummy is hurting, it needs food."  I laughed again, he's so cute! How could I resist his sweetness.  A few minutes later he was in his highchair eating waffles, sausage and eggs that I had left over in the fridge and watching barney.  He's done now so I am off to bed.  I'm exhausted!! I just told him I was tired and it was time to go to bed and he said, "no, in  two minutes and held up three fingers."  He is changing so much this week.


Becky said…

You amaze me... your blog is so honest and good. I think that if you gave up all your sleep completely, ... you still could not get to your "list". I say chuck the list and keep loving life and it's challenges and successes just the same as you are doing! You are awesome. Tell Brett hi for us. :)

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