Happy Birthday Rachel!! We Love You!!

Happy Birthdya Rachel! I hope you had a good day.   I started her day by decorating for her early morning birthday breakfast before school.  Of course I had her birthday present hanging from the kitchen light.  It said, "happy birthday Rachel, LET'S GO SHOPPING! And I gave her $100.  That's a lot of money for a ten year old.  But, Rachel rarely gets anything new because she has such cute hand- me- downs from her sister.  I wanted her and I to spend the day just buying all the things that are her personality to add to her ward robe.  The first thing she said was, "can rebekah miss school too and go shopping with us?  She's my best friend, shopping wouldn't be the same with out her."  I was shocked because I thought she'd enjoy the time alone with mom.  But, I was pleasantly surprised.  We had a really good time.  We started out by running an hours worth of errands that I figured would take 15 minutes.  We first dropped off snacks to Brandon and Austin because they both had football after school and I didn't want them to be hungry.  Then I ran by my bank to pull out the money and then Rebekah's bank to pull out money from her account because she made jv cheerleader next year and we are making her pay for it since our funds are so tight lately.  Brett had a 4000 dollar unexpected dental bill and we are having to rewire all the main wires into our home for our electricity and two of our three cars are in the shop and our boat is costing 3000 to fix and summer is only a week away.  Need I go on?  So any ways then we gassed up the car and went to cracker barrel for lunch before heading to the mall where Rachel bought herself leg warmers like she has wanted for so long and then we headed to Austin to the Sam Moon.  We loooovvvveee that store!!! We had a blast there! It's a woman's heaven on earth! It a store the size of ross that has only accessories it.  Me, Rachel and Rebekah love to accessorize our clothes.  It's one of our hobbies together.  We all three love fashion and clothes and accessories and music. :) Having 3 daughters is a very special experience for me.  We are all having so much fun.  Rachel thinks I'm having more fun with Rebekah but she is wrong about that.  They are just at different phases in life.  Rebekah is much more demanding due to her age and busy schedule.  Rachel has spent time bawling lately about how much she hates being the middle child.  It breaks  my heart listening to her.  I feel sad she is so aware of her place in life.  It can't be easy being the middle child.  I try to make her aware that Heavenly Father is well aware of her and feel that every thing she needs to become will be built on the experiences she learns from being the middle child.  She'd never reach her full potential being the oldest or youngest.  There is great blessings that can be hers from being the middle child if she looks for them. 


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