Brandon's Eagle Scout Project

October started out very busy.  I was right smack in the middle of my classes to become a  certified teacher for Aware Central Texas.  By mid October I was through with the classes and with that certification I can now teach parenting courses and anger management classes. 
 Brandon was cramming to get his eagle project completed.  He had it planned 2 weeks before his 18th birthday but it rained so he had to put it off.  He was very nervous! Two days before his birthday he finally completed his project.  I was so proud of him! He did an excellent job leading those that showed up to help.  He had a great turn out.  I was pleased with our ward as usual.  I had no idea before the morning of, that girls are welcomed to come work on eagle scout projects.  Brandon begged me the morning of to come out and participate.  I rearranged my schedule and went out.  Eathyn was so excited to be a part of all the action.  Brandon was kind as usual to include him and make him feel important.

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