The end of October
Okay, so Rebekah was so excited to make carmelled apples this year. She had seen Ginger Schoenrock's on instagram. She said they were amazing!I told her we would make a valiant effort to make cool ones too. We both knew what that meant. We know there's not a creative bone in our bodies and we are okay with that. I realized the night we carameled apples together that there was a little bit of magic in the air that I love so much, I've longed to feel that happiness since Brett's campaign started a year ago. Between the campaign and Mariela's death, the life was sucked right out of this house. I've missed it something dreadful!
Carameling apples is a tradition that all the kids still love and look forward to. They were far from beautiful but they were certainly better than what they looked like by the next evening. We had a house full of people over to watch the election with us. While they were here I discovered all the caramel had slid off the apples and was now laying on the plate. I showed Rebekah and we ended up laughing so hard. Gina Dupar who was at our house that night laughed and said, you need to put them on pintrocity. Rebekah and I both know we would have plenty of things to go on pintrocity apposed to successful crafts for pinterest. It felt great to laugh so hard. The apples were hilarious. We tried so hard to be crafty.

Ever since the temperature dropped my two cute little boys are finally playing out side a lot! Often times for several hours at a time. They have so much fun together. They are so good to each other. They look out for one another so well. If one is upset or hurt in any way, the other one is determined to help the other feel all better again. It's so sweet!