Heaven on Earth

Brett and I went away for the weekend and had a wonderful time as usual.  We left Friday night around 8pm.  We left a little later than planned because I was invited to the interact party at the high school.  They wanted to thank me for starting the straight talk classes,

(You should be able to click on all these pictures to enlarge them)

their members have been helping me teach through out Temple Independent School District. Rebekah is a member of this club as well.  It was a very pleasant evening.  I met the Rotary sponsors for our high school interact.  I was thrilled with this opportunity.  They are powerful service leaders in our community.  I am going to start going to their noon meetings tomorrow.  I have heard lots of great things about this particular club, and I am excited to become a part of it.

I love Brett so much! What a great experience it is to be married to my best friend.  We have so much in common and have so much fun together. (I think it's amazing how Heavenly Father blesses our lives with people we have so much in common with. It makes me realize, as I have many times before, Heavenly Father is definitely directing our paths if we are living close to the spirit. )  We went to Dairy Queen for dinner and then went back to our room and watched a movie and found ourselves wrapped up in a very romantic evening... The next day, Saturday morning, we slept in late until we could no longer ignore our hungry stomachs.  After we ate, we found more romance and slept away most of the afternoon.  Again our stomachs drove us out of bed and we left the room looking for the perfect meal to satisfy our appetites.  We went to Jakes for coconut shrimp. Yum! Then we debated on going to watch a double feature at the movie theater, but decided to save money and buy a couple 5 dollar movies at walmart since our debit cards not working right now, so a red box movie wasn't possible.  Our finances are a mess and we are working feverishly to make the necessary changes to help us be successful. We laughed when we had chose to do something financially smart.  We use to be that way all the way through college, but we have since lost that skill and we are doing everything in our power to find it again.  We went back to our hide out and watched movies until 2am.  We watched an action pack that was kinda boring, but non the less relaxing.  Then, we watched Mama Mia. That was an awesome movie! It's a musical with one of Brett and my favorite music artists all the way through the movie.  I ended up watching it three times as Brett slept and I typed Mare a letter and just listened to the music.  By the time I got done typing I was so sore.  I couldn't believe how severely my shoulders  hurt.  They hadn't hurt that bad since before I went into the hospital.  I layed down and fell asleep to the music and woke up with a catch in my left hip.  That catch has turned into a severe pain tonight.  I can hardly walk again.  I just wonder, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?!?  We got home at 8:30am Sunday morning to a house that was relatively clean but not up to my expectation.  We all hurried to clean up so we could watch mama mia together. We had a very relaxing morning.  We hurried to get ready for church after the movie and got there in time to get a row all of our own.  There's a couple things in life that I love more than almost anything.  Singing around the piano as a family and having all my children and husband on the same bench at church.  Those two things provoke Heavenly feelings in my heart.  After Sacrament meeting Eathyn gave his first talk in Primary.  I quickly found all four of my older children.  They stood in the back of the primary room, shoulder to shoulder.  These children are powerful examples to everyone around them.  I was bursting with love for my four children who had come to watch their cute little brother, who is just beginning this journey we are all on.  Eathyn looked so cute, he was wearing his new three piece suit that looks just like his big brother Brandon's.

  During the third hour of church Brandon received the Melchizedek Priesthood.  As I heard Brett start the prayer, I saw in my minds eye Brett bouncing Brandon up and down during his baby blessing 18 and a half years ago.  Where had the years gone?  My heart nearly burst with happiness as I saw Brandon stand up from his chair.  He now held the Melchizedek priesthood!  He was glowing with the spirit.  He was living a clean life, closer to the Lord than he ever has been before.  I am so proud of him!  He has fought hard to rise above struggles in his life.  He is one of my hero's in my life. After Brandon received the priesthood, Rebekah was set apart as the Laurel President. I am surrounded with greatness right in my own home.  I feel like if the Lord came today, we would all know him.  It feels like we are all living in harmony, and so close to the spirit.  Rebekah didn't want to be set apart until she found Brandon, she wanted him in the circle.  We finally found him.  He was in a meeting with the bishop.  He walked up to that circle and put his hands on her head.  He stood there with such power, that only comes through the Holy Ghost and being worthy of its companionship every moment of the day.  After the blessing, Austin excused himself and informed me he had an interview with the bishop.  He said, "I want to get my patriarchal blessing." I seriously thought, "Oh my goodness! I am truly surrounded with greatness!!!  

I'm the luckiest woman on earth. I have been blessed with 7 beautiful, amazing children! Even Rebekah was feeling the same thing yesterday.  She said, "Mom, you have really beautiful children.  Some people aren't as lucky as you, huh?  Sometimes they may have one cute child and the rest really funny looking.  All your children are equally beautiful and cute huh?" It was a judgmental thing to say, yes, but she was feeling so in love with her siblings just like I was.  

The day only got better as the hours ticked on.  After church we came back to the house for a little bar-b-q.  Mi Mi and Grandpa came to support Brandon along with his Friends from both Temple wards.  He's grown up with these boys and they are all equally amazing individuals.  Tanner Dewy was among them.  I was teasing him and Rebekah as they were sitting at the table with Brandon and his friends.  They were all playing games together.  I took a close up of Tanner and Rebekah.  I told them, "I just took a picture of the two of you, for your wedding video."  That provoked laughter.

  I told Tanner, "I don't want you to write Rebekah on your mission, but you better call her when you get home because I want you to be my son some day.  I am so impressed with that young man.  He reminds me so much of my own sons.  I hope and pray my three daughters find an incredible priesthood holder like Tanner Dewy someday.  He sincerely loves the Lord with all of his heart.  You can tell this by his actions and all his deeds. 

I also had the missionaries over.  I told them I would make a list and pray for twenty one days for all of our friends on that list.  I love doing this as a family.  I know it works, I know Heavenly Father hears our prayers and prepares our non member friends to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.  After dinner we all rushed out the door to Brandon's seminary graduation. (Brandon, Rebekah, Austin, Brett and I)  He has attended early morning seminary for four straight years with nearly perfect attendance.  I think he may have missed maybe 6-8 days in four years.  I am so proud of him again.... Lastly, I have not said anything about Ryan.  Cute little Ryan is 2 and a half.  He will have been potty training for one week tomorrow.  He potty trained immediately, with no effort at all.  He's now been holding his poop for 2 whole days.  He just can't figure it out yet.  But, he stays dry every single night all night long.  This has been completely a piece of cake thus far.  He is so precious to all of us.  Every time someone prays he repeats every word all the way through, many times adding in his own thoughts.  It warms every one's heart, that's in the room.

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