I had Such a Sweet Christmas This Year

I initially was dreading this Christmas because I didn't know how to do Christmas with out all my children here. Then I decided I had to have a good Christmas with the children I still have home.  

The season didn't start for Brett and I until last Saturday morning when we woke up and made our gift list.  We had only purchased three gifts from the AT&T store. We still had to buy every other thing and Christmas was less than a week away.  

I have been working full time since Ellie went home 2 weeks ago and my testosterone is very low again and I really didn't want to go get it inserted because it costs me $300 every time. 

Poor Brett is also very low again and it costs $700 every time for him.  Needless to say, we had not gotten anything other than necessities done.  

We woke up on Saturday morning and made our list and left here at 11:30am.  By 5:45pm we had every single thing purchased, every gift and stocking stuffer, and had it all wrapped and under the tree.  
 We were thrilled! 

On Monday at work, I made my grocery list and planned on shopping on the way home from work.  That wasn't going to happen, I was so depleted.  Brett took me out to eat on the way home from work and convinced me to get up early with him the next morning and he'd help me get all the food bought before needing to be in court at 9am.  

Groceries were bought and home by 8:30am.  I felt so blessed to have his support.  He truly is my better half.  He completes me in so many ways.  Brett and I didn't set foot back into a store again before Christmas.  That alone set us up for a wonderful Christmas.  

Last night on Christmas eve we had Josh and my new niece over for dinner and family home evening.  I felt so rested and ready for a wonderful Christmas Eve night.  

Brett got up with the little boys earlier that morning because he has to get up the same time every day or he gets awful migraines, especially when he's low on testosterone.  So, he gets up at 6am all school year because he's Austin's home study, seminary teacher.  In turn, he has to get up the same time on the weekends too.  That allows me to sleep and rest as much as I need to.  

I crawled out of bed at 10am and we headed out to spend some time at our friends ranch, in the pretty weather. Then, took our kids out for a nice Christmas Eve lunch to one of their favorite restaurants we NEVER take them to.  Nami, it's a Japanese steak house.  

We had the chef cook us dinner over the hibachi grill.  The man was so much fun, he had the little boys completely mesmerized with his performance.  Then we went home and layed down for an afternoon nap.  Everyone in the house slept until 5pm.  It was AWESOME!! That makes for a very happy mom and dad.  

Then we got up and started preparing for our special evening.  Lol, we sat on the couch and watch movies on LDS.org.  Ryan kept asking to watch another and another.  

Once our guest got here we said a prayer and had a nice little evening and felt the sweet spirit of Christmas so strong.  Then, we played our "Twas the Night Before Christmas game," The little boys were so excited and so cute.  Our teens were just as much fun to watch.  They love their little brothers so much even though Rachel would never admit that right now, in the self absorbed stage she's stuck in at 13 years old. 

 Then, we got up and made home made pizza and a big yummy salad.  The little boys had so much fun building their own pizza, they had never done that before.  Of course 2/3 of the pizzas kinda flopped but we had a good laugh as usual.  I am truly an awful cook!  Thankfully, there was enough pizza to make the evening yummy for everyone. 

We rushed the little boys off to bed around 9pm.  and then Brett left to get the Santa gifts that we had hiding in Temple. Rachel and Austin had a good time setting out Christmas with us and then Brett and I headed to bed and Rachel and Austin wanted to go to Walmart because Austin wanted to buy Rachel a gift even though they had both decided to throw their money into the little boys, instead of each other.  

Rachel had changed her mind earlier in the day and Austin wanted to make sure she had a gift from him too.  They got in the car together and changed their minds.  They thought it would be a lot more fun to play Santa for their parents instead.  When Brett and I got up this morning we had gifts and stocking stuffers from them.  

The very best part of my Christmas was the gifts from the heart they both sat down and wrote to us when they got home from the store late last night.  They each wrote us a letter and put it in our stockings.  

Oh my goodness, they had officially made my Christmas the sweetest Christmas ever! It had already been almost perfect but then to read their thoughts just touched me in more ways than I can describe.  The other gifts they surprised us with were so cute and heart felt as well.  

Santa had visited Brett and I for the first time since we both lived at home as young children.  Rachel and Austin are so cute and thoughtful, they made our Christmas one of my most memorable ever. 

I've never heard of parents that get the surprise of Santa visiting them.  It was a sweet experience knowing it all came from them.   I am so thankful for this little family of ours.  I missed Rebekah today.  I didn't even get to talk to her :( I could really feel sorry for myself but I refuse. If I let every one of my children's decisions affect me, I will only be happy part of the time. 

I love the gospel of Jesus Christ so much.  It brings me so much joy and peace.  Nothing will stop me from feeling those feelings of peace.  Not even my own children.  

If they choose to not put their eternal family first or make decisions that take the promise of forever away from them, that will be their loss.  I refuse to give up my peace and happiness for anything in this world.  

How I pray they will all strive to live together forever. But if they don't, Brett and I will definitely be together forever with or with out anyone else at our side.  I will never give up what Brett and I have together.  I know it is the key to happiness, joy and safety (morally, physically and spiritually).

At noon we all got to talk to Brandon.  I am so very thankful he is safe in the Hallow of the Lord's hands, he's serving the Lord and is so close to the Savior.  

Brett asked Brandon if we could have a family prayer with him, before we had to hang up and say good bye until Mother's day. Eathyn begged Brett to let Brandon pray in the new language he's been learning the last 14 months since he's been on his mission.  

His prayer was at least 5 minutes long.  The spirit was so strong as he bowed his head and prayed.  He prayed in Spanish but each of the children heard him call each of them by name off and on through the prayer.  He's such a sweet man.  I miss him so much but would rather he be there than here.  

At 3 pm we had Paul, Becky (a new sister in law of ours) and Hilary (Brett's sister who is Paul's x ) and their kids all up for crepes.  Poor Rachel had to say good bye to Jannie who is moving to Utah with her mom on Saturday, I feel so sad for her. I hate that she has to loose her best friend and cousin.  I know all to well how heart breaking that is after loosing Mare a couple years ago.  What a special Christmas, one I will not forget despite the absence of Rebekah and Brandon.

These Letters are so Cute and so Telling of the Way Their Lives Have Been Going Since we Moved to Academy.

 Ryan Dressed up as  a Sheppard in Primary- Ryan's 4 years old and in Sunbeams This Year



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