Why it’s Important for Children to Have a Father’s Influence

Why it’s Important for Children to Have a Father’s Influence

In a recent pair of articles on LinkedIn and Patch.com, I looked at the importance of the relationship between father and child. I strongly believe that more needs to be done to encourage the bonds between both parents and their children after a divorce or separation. Children that grow up without a father have a more difficult time in life It is also hard on the mother that’s left to deal with the consequences. We have to do a better job of helping fathers to develop strong relationships with their children.

Fairness in Custody Cases

The courts tend to side with the mother in the majority of cases. Fathers are usually forced to live with just a couple of days of access to their children a week. That’s unfair to the father and the child. Most fathers want to do the right thing and they want to be a big part pf their child’s life. The courts need to encourage fairer custody agreements.

Succeeding In School

Children that do have a consistent relationship with their father do better in school. This is true in the case of both girls and boys. When children have both parents playing an active role in their lives, their academic performance is much better than children that grow up without a father.

Fitting In

It isn’t just school performance that improves when a father’s active in a child’s life – they also tend to do better in social settings as well. They are more likely to fit in and avoid antisocial behavior. The chances of becoming involved in a life of crime increase when a child grows up without a father. The state of Texas and America need to do more to help develop stronger bonds between children from broken homes and their fathers. It benefits the family and society as a whole.


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