Rachel's 11th Birthday Party

At 9:45pm on the 24th of May I got this great idea for Rachel's birthday the next day.  I was soooo relieved I'd finally gotten out of campaign mode enough to plan something special for her birthday.  Election day was just 7 days away.  I was stressed to the max and completely and utterly exhausted from the whole experience of losing Mariela and trying to win this election all at the same time.  Her birthday was just hours away and I'd still not figured out how to make her feel special and loved for her 11th birthday.  When this idea popped in my mind I got busy and called all the people that she loves that live near us.  Of course Marilyn lives clear acrossed town but she's convinced us all that she'd walk a million miles for us so I knew she'd love to show up for Rachel at 6am to celebrate her special day.  Marilyn is one of Rachel's favorite people.  And Mare loves her equally as much.  I planned a surprise party for Rachel. I pulled Rachel out of bed at 6am, blind folded her with a pillow case and put her in the van. I drove all over the neighborhood and picked up all her closest school friends. I then proceded to take her to Cracker Barrel where she loves to eat and had breakfast.  It was one of the funniset, funnest memories of my life.  We all had a ball celebrating Rachel's birthday with her. 

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