Rebekah Marie

How do I describe how I felt the last two nights while I watched Rebekah play "send in the clowns and sing along to the piano like a little song bird?"  I was nearly in tears both times.  She actually has a cold and she sang better than any of the other girls.  I was so proud of her.  I felt like I was watching her step into the light for the first time.  She seemed so comfortable and at piece with the whole experience.   It reminded me of how she looks when she's in her room laying on her bed listening to music.  She looked so relaxed and so comfortable.  I was so happy to see her doing something that comes from deep inside her.  Something she was clearly blessed by our Father in Heaven to do.  What a sweet experience it was for me to watch my daughter do something that her spirit has loved for a much longer time than the days she's been on this earth.  She did a beautiful job!!! I could sit and listen to her play the piano and sing along to it, all day long.  What a choice experience.  I felt like heaven and earth touched while watching her do something Heavenly Father so obviously has a part in.

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