2 Day's Away From Election Day

HUMMM.... What an interesting experience these last couple months have been.  Just to give a snap shot of what our life is like right now.  Brett and I were so tired emotionally and physically last night.  There wasn't an ounce of anything else to give inside of either of us.  We have been campaigning around the clock for a very long time, which is a full time job all by it's self.  When you have 17,000 people to contact and convince to vote for you-you have to work every waking moment or we'd have regrets.  Then on top of that we have Brett's full time job and being a mother of  6 and mournig the loss of one is more than a full time job.  We were three days away last night and Marilyn my sweet friend said, "You and Brett need to take the week end off or you're going to go into election day so exhausted.  If you loose it could spur a mental Break down for one of you.  You're both way too tired!! I thought that was cute of her because she normally doesn't tell me what to do.  She's always been very careful to keep her opinions to her self and has been very good at it from the day she stepped into my home.  I figured she was just wired totally different than me.  I always wondered how she could be in my home for 40+ hours a week for a year and a half and never express her opinion about anything.  So, needless to say I was shocked when she was so adiment about us taking a break.  Unfortunately, a break wasn't possible. 

We woke up at 5:45a with two very awake little boys :( I finally rolled out of bed at 6:45a I told Brett we needed to get on top of this house.  He said, "I'm not getting up until I'm good and ready."  That didn't surprise me in the least little bit.  In the last 6 months all he's done is campaign, work, eat and sleep.  That's it!!! He finishes calling or coming in later than normal from political meetings and goes to sleep.  I've been left with campaigning all day; managing the entire campaign which is no doubt a full time job along with taking care of the kids and house from the second I wake up to the second I go to sleep.  Occassionally I'll treat my self with some down time and curl up at Marilyn house and talk, with all sorts of guilt from every one at home.  It makes me feel like a prisoner. I cleaned the whole house by myself as usual while Brett either slept or layed around, except when he picked up our room.  I campaigned the rest of the day over at Marilyn's house in her home office on her computer because Brandon and Brett were campaigning on my computers here at the house.  I was debating on staying at Marilyn's house because I knew Brett would just fall asleep early or be too tired for a civilized conversation, the little boys would be in bed and all the rest of our kids were out playing for the evening.  Brett was frustrated because he felt threatened by my desire to be anywhere but home.  It's not that I don't like my home but I detest being here all evening cleaning hour after hour while Brett lays around and sleeps. He's usually asleep or laying in bed by 8:30p.  I'm up most night's between 11p-12 waiting for our older kids.    The evenings get really long while I stay up really late and wait, especially the week ends.  I find I don't like quiet time like I use to.  I miss Mariela more than I can hardly believe is even possible.  I hate being alone in my thoughts.  It's a darker a biss than I've ever known.  I don't know how to handle it. It feels like the fire of a dragon. It suffocates me.  I feel like it's already beat me and I'm just being drug along.  So, I decide not to stay and chat with Marilyn because Brett was wanting me to come home.  By the time I got home he'd put the boys to bed.  Eathyn was still awake.  They had gotten home from the babysitters at 8p.  He just put them to bed in their clothes and didn't even brush their teeth. UNBELIEVABLE!!! I had absolutley nothing else to say to him the rest of the night.  I am expected to keep going and to carry on and give a 100% even though I'm beyond tired.  If I did that the poor kids would have no teeth.  why does a kid have to sleep in their street clothes just because their dads tired?  He sat ad watch a movie the rest of the night.  I knew better than to even come home that early!!! Between Brett, Brandon and me we called 1400 voters today, in the Killeen and Harker Heights area.  Brett got an email from a client this morning that said, "I could not with good consciounce support you as judge, because you don't finish your work in a timely manner." Brett finished this man's custody battle in 6 months; start to finish!! He said, "I am going to run a full page add against you in the news paper."  We couldn't believe our eyes!!! It was two days before election and one of our opponents had evidently ran into someone with the guts to try and destroy our chances of winning after giving everything we've had this last 6 months.  We got on the phones and called that entire area of the county one last time.  We could not of worked any harder these last 6 months even if we'd tired.  We walked several precincts before Mariela died and have called all 11,000 voters a couple times, we have raised money, sat at poles, hung 1000 yard signs and 100 4*8 signs.  We have campaigned around the clock and basically neglected all that was important on the side of our campaign.  We gave 150%.  If we don't win, God has other things in store.  We have all gained alot through this experience.  I have gone from a mother of 7 to a mother of 6 who use to not know how to talk to others. out side of my home.  Now I can carry on a conversation with the young or the old.  I have gone from being against politics to being thrown into the middle of them.  I will be political from here on out.  It's important for us to be aware of who's leading our government.  It's shaping the world around us and so many people either don't vote or they don't know who their voting for even if they do vote.  We called the voters accrossed the whole county and many of them hate campaign calls, they say, "I can read in the news paper about all the canidates.  We were offering them an opportunity to really get to know a candidate.  I can see me writing a voters guide in the future that would go out to the whole public.  I could charge the cost of the printing.  I'd want  the voters guide to have an in debth history of each candidate.  I'd want an indepth list of their qualifications in the guide. And an indepth history of all the things they have done wrong so it's all in black  and white.   I'd want the candidate's  email and phone numbers in there so the public could interview them personally.  Americans need the whole entire picture of the canidates that are running and not just the stuff they choose to let people know.  If they are going to lead our country we need to know "who" we're voting for.  We really need to know them and not just the stuff they choose to reveal during their campaign.  It's really bothered me that Brett's the only candidate that's even qualified to be the district judge.  But the public doesn't know that because they choose to call themselves "experienced" even though that's a lie. I think we should put comparisons in the guide.  HUMMMM much to think about! I'm exhausted!!

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